What is it?

Public liability insurance is there to protect you if a member of the public makes a claim against you due to an event you have arranged or been involved with. It's designed to cover the costs incurred by the claim, if the event was due to your negligence as an event organiser.

Why buy it?

Injuries to members of the public, loss of third party property, damages, or even death, can result in legal liability claims. This means additional expenses, which is what public liability insurance is designed to cover. The levels of cover vary depending on your specific needs and event, which in turn can have an impact on your premium. 

How to get covered

If you're interested in getting public liability insurance, it's easy to get a quote. Click 'Get A Quote', pop in some details about your event, and you'll be presented with insurers who can help. They'll contact you to discuss a quote, you can check it meets your needs, and you can decide if the cover is sufficient.

It can all be started online and completed over the phone - click here to get started.